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Funding the Dream Podcast Part 2

22 Feb

fundingdreamlogo2Earlier this month I shared some insights about my Viticulture Kickstarter project on Richard Bliss’ “Funding the Dream” podcast (Episode 116). In that one we focus on how a newcomer to the board game industry managed to pull off a successful Kickstarter project–I can’t recall the details, so if anyone listens to it and wants to fill me in, please do so! (Is it odd that I don’t like to listen to my own voice? It unnerves me.)

Richard was kind to ask me to return for a new episode, which he posted yesterday here: Episode 123. Let me know what you think! It’s about 20 minutes long. Again, I can’t recall exactly what we talked about, but I think we discussed the money-back guarantee and the goal I had during the campaign to get some kind of press or online exposure every day during the campaign.