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The Review Prototypes

14 Sep

Tonight, with the help of a friend (and my cats), I packed up a bunch of review prototypes for bloggers. It’s exciting (and nerve-wracking) seeing the games go out there to people who can make or break the campaign! Photo diary below.










Kickstarter Advertising: Your Thoughts

19 Aug

We’re launching our Kickstarter campaign for Viticulture later this week. Everything hinges on this campaign–if we don’t raise enough to cover the cost of a minimal shipment of Viticulture, Viticulture won’t be manufactured.

The roots of the campaign will come from friends and family, but we need to raise $25,000, so we need to attract the attention of all the gamers and wine-drinkers out there who will have a lot of fun playing Viticulture. To do so, we’re placing ads in a few different places, and we’d love your feedback on those ads.

The following three ads are all based on the game board art. They’re very similar, but is there one that piques your interest more than the rest? If so, please cast a vote in the poll at the bottom.